Wednesday 15 April 2020

Online Learning 15/04

Phabalis has been working very hard from home on the tasks he has been set for Week 1 of Term 2! He has been exploring the outside world to see what creatures he can discover. Take a look at his photos! He has also done some Easter art, colouring in his patterns. Well done Phabalis!
Look at the cicada shells he found!

A praying mantis!
Easter Patterns Art


  1. Hi Phabalis
    What a great start into Term 2! That's so cool you got to discover different insects on your search outside. Check out the praying mantis on your window! Here's some fun facts about them.

    They get their name from the way that their front legs are bent together in an angle that makes them look like they are praying.

    Praying Mantis are masters of disguise. They are very well camouflaged and often mistaken for leaves or tree branches.

    Keep up the good work Phabalis.

    From Ms Teleso

  2. Hi Phabalis,
    What amazing work you are producing! good on you! Thank you for sharing all the fun activities you are doing!
    I agree with Ms Teleso-what a great start to the year!
    From Ms Davis

  3. Hi Phabalis,
    Thanks for sharing about your insects you found outside and your beautiful easter egg art work. I love that you are working so hard at home on your learning keep it up.
    From Mrs Forbes

  4. Hi Phabalis,

    It's great to see that you're working from home. I like the pictures you've uploaded,isn't it fun exploring in your own backyard at what different insects you can find!

    Keep working hard and keep being creative!

    Miss Shaniah


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